2010年2月2日 星期二

The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man: "The Gingerbread Man

Down the lane he sped when he came to a pig. 'Stop! Stop! I would like to eat you,' shouted the pig. The gingerbread man was too fast. He ran on saying
'Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me,
I'm the gingerbread man.
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2010年1月19日 星期二

2010年1月6日 星期三

Session 1

Please do the following activities:

Activity 1: link to each other's blogs and to a blog you like (if you have one). Here is one I like:

Activity 2: link 3 words related to IT to an online dictionary eg, dictionary.com OR http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ and / or link them to http://wikipedia.org/ e.g. asynchrony:
& communicative:


Activity 3: Link your blog to an interesting podcast using a podcast search site eg, http://podcast.net/:









2009年1月12日 星期一

Session 2 - webquests

Webquest design - structure

Please complete the following form for your Webquest. Then post your document as an article for your blog. Remember to read other people's ideas and anticipated challenges. This will help you clarify your own, and will give you other ideas too.

Webquest topic / title

Evaluating useful language learning websites to provide opportunities for learners to study alone so that learner autonomy may be developed


Developing language learning autonomy is a very important matter in Hong Kong at the moment with the EDB (Education Bureau) putting an emphasis on life-long learning.

This webquest aims at helping learners to have a good idea about what constitutes a good language learning website as well as developing their generic skills.


Students are asked to create reviews of English language learning websites. They are asked to evaluate whether the sites are useful for language learning and recommend their ideas to their peers. This should take around 90 minutes.


The first step is to go over target language relating to websites. Learners are then asked to choose a site to evaluate for their peers. There is a form to guide learners in their evaluation and scoring of their sites. Once recommendations have been made, there is a discussion to ascertain what, according to the class, the best websites for learning are.


There is a marking scheme given to help students to see what is important throughout the lesson.

Anticipated challenges for your learners (and possible solutions)

Learners may not feel confident enough to evaluate a language learning website. This is why I have written such a detailed evaluation guide.

Learners may not know how to present their ideas using PowerPoint. This is why I have given them guidance on using PP - this should be a good way to help them to use it correctly.

2009年1月10日 星期六

Webquest lesson



Qing Ming (Pure Brightness) Festival and ghost stories



The Qing Ming (Pure Brightness) Festival falls on April 4-6 each year. It is a mixture of happiness and sadness. Chinese people offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep their tombs. I thought it fitting to integrate this festival with a ghost story lesson using resources on the internet.

LEVEL: Intermediate - advanced (12 students)

TIME: 60 minutes


Lexis related to ghosts and ghost stories: (lots of descriptive language eg adjectives of feelings), narrative tenses, developing reading skills, note-taking skills, speaking skills and writing skills. Also, this is very much culturally orientated and I hope will be interesting and motivating.

SITES / TECHNOLOGY USED: Castle of Spirits http://www.castleofspirits.com/storypg.html


Practice use of the Internet as a resource for learning

Use of PowerPoint to help students in the telling of their story

Students submit their stories to the web


Lesson stages

a) 10 minutes: The first task leads into the topic of ghosts (a brainstorming activity in which students think of as many things as they can that frighten people.

b) The website also has a YouTube page http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Castleofspirits which can be used as a whole class activity to set the scene and elicit related vocabulary.

c) 20 minutes: Students then go to the website and select 2 stories for which they complete a worksheet of questions.

d) 20 minutes: Finally, the students share the stories they have read and decide which one is the best and why?

e) 10 minutes: Whole class feedback as each group of 4 tells the class about the best story they have chosen.

f) The follow up activity asks students to write a ghost story of their own using PowerPoint to help them tell it. Also, they can submit their own, final draft stories to the website they used to research.

I hope that this will be an interesting way to integrate the internet into a skills lesson


I have already searched the internet for a good site for this lesson. However, beforehand I will double-check that the link is ok. Also, I will arrange for a computer room in advance to do the lesson. I will also prepare a worksheet for students to use to answer questions about 2 ghost stories on the website. This will help them to share summaries of the story and act as a guide when they write their own. There are also many good guidelines for story writing on the site itself when you click on 'submit your own story'.


Students will be directed in pairs to a website where they will be asked to answer questions about 2 ghost stories.


Once students have taken their notes, they will change pairs and tell each other about the ghost stories they have read. After this, in groups of 4, with their original partners, they will choose the best of their ghost stories and tell the class about it.

Follow Ups / Variations:

Students can make PowerPoint slides to help them tell their stories to the class.

Students submit their own stories to the website using the guidelines provided



Where did

this happen?

When did

this happen?

Who experienced

this story?



Do you

believe it?